Simulation of pressing a hard button or tapping a key within your CASLPro program
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10/17/2017: Added keyDownEvent and keyUpEvent to allow using a button to perform a page up/down on a text object programmatically.  The sample has been modified to reflect this change.

09.02.02: Bug removed in KeyEvent.csl (invoker[invokersub].display caused an error,  changed in invoker.display)

Functions definition

external "CASL_KeyEvent";

AddKeyEvent (string KeyStr);

# This is a list of all supported contents of KeyStr
# Note: KeyStr is case sensitive. Please use it as
# typed below!
# "vchrKeyboardAlpha" : calls the alpha keyboard
# "vchrKeyboardNumeric" : calls the numeric keyboard
# "vchrBacklight" : toggles backlight on/off
# "vchrFind" : calls the find dialog
# "vchrCalc" : opens the calculator
# "vchrLaunch" : opens the launcher
# "vchrMenu" : calls the menu
# "vchrLock" : locks and powers off the device
# "vchrHard1" : action of most left hardbutton (default: calender) 
# "vchrHard2" : action of left hardbutton (default: phonebook) 
# "vchrHard3" : action of right hardbutton (default: todolist) 
# "vchrHard4" : action of most right hardbutton (default: memo)
# "vchrHardCradle" : action of cradle hardbutton (default: start hotsync)
# "vchrHardContrast" : opens contrast dialog (not available for PalmIII) 
# "vchrHardPower" : powers off (and don't lock)
# "vchrGraffitiReference" : calls the graffiti reference

# Added by Jon
# keyDownEvent : Button Down
# keyUpEvent : Button Up
